Thanks goes out to Cheryl Jensen for putting together yet another awesome group to trek and adventure with! We first met Cheryl in 2008 when she brought a lively group of Colorado women to trek with us in Bhutan. Since then she has been to Patagonia and Nepal with Mountain Spirits …and we have a very long list of destinations still to come for Cheryl and friends! Cheryl sets the philanthropy bar high both in the USA and destinations abroad. A founder of Vail for Veterans and Sharing Warmth Around the Globe, Cheryl helps those in need near and far. We are lucky to have Cheryl as part of Mountain Spirits.
Trekking in Mustang is much, much different than trekking in most of Nepal. Mustang lies near the Tibetan border and is north of the Annapurna range and is more like visiting Utah surrounded by mountains than the tropical heart of Nepal. The culture is primarily Buddhist and the influence of Tibet dominates. Mustang has not been open to trekking for that many years and it is almost impossible to find a teahouse unlike the nearby “Apple Pie” trek of the Annapurna Circuit. Here we like to camp and wander through the ancient villages just like the old days of trekking in Nepal. Mustang is worth a visit for anyone who wishes to get off the beaten path before there are none left!